Your Website Strategy Questionnaire

Your Website Strategy Questionnaire

Building a website is a BIG DEAL and a very important part of systemizing your business so you can make money and make more sales without always having to spend more time in the backend.


Before we start there’s a Website Strategy questionnaire—this is an opportunity for you start thinking strategically about your website. What do we want people to do on your website? What should the big call to action be? The questionnaire will help you think through all of that. If there’s anything you don’t know after thinking about it for five minutes, just leave it blank and move on. I’ve designed and built hundreds and hundreds of websites and I can take your ideas and turn it into something amazing.

I also want to recommend a book by Donald Miller (if you haven’t read it before) called, “Building a Story Brand.” Some people find it pretty dry but if you can read through it, I believe it will help you substantially in understanding how storytelling is an effective way of capturing your ideal client’s attention. I use a lot of “Story Brand” principles in my brand strategy and I’ve also adapted the StoryBrand Framework for building websites. We’ll use a lot of the language we discussed in our Brand Strategy Session on your website.

My copywriter, Emily will also use the answers provided in this questionnaire to write copy for your website, so don’t feel like you have to wordsmith it out, she’ll take care of all that for you!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out! We’ll discuss everything IN DEPTH during Website Strategy Session.